Thursday, October 29, 2009

what is so good being in love?

Being in love will open possibilities for you to get hurt
Your heart will be unstable and easily get emotional
You will not react the way you should
Everything will be base on you emotion
You will become weak when you are in love
Easily distracted by your lover’s actions
You will be dependent to your partner
No freedom and sometimes no justice
You will forgive even the mistake should not be forgiven
And usually you put your partner first then yourself in every action you want to take
The best part is people will be blind and stupid when they are in love.

What is so good being in love?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

what color is my soul...

You’re soul is gold, the colour of goodness, bravery and leadership. Gold souls are warm and friendly to anyone around them. They make anyone feel welcome and treat everyone as an equal. Their good deeds make them popular all around and many people go to them for help, advice, or even just a good chat. Gold souls will always put others before themselves.

However, gold souls will often neglect their own emotions as they so often act on what will make others happy.

Although you may want to please everyone all the time, stop and think of your actions. Does it make you happy or are you living with a terrible sadness while others around you walk away happy? Do something for yourself once in a while. Look out for number 1!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i'm sorry darling

It’s been a long time since i jumpe nyda n nadeeya. So, today I decide to meet them for berbuka. But, apparently hujan lebat gle. I dah excited gle nak jumpe nyda. I’m sorry darling. Next time we go ronggeng rokiah. Take care. I miss you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


hati merintih perit meratap hiba
saat kusedari kau ingin pergi
pergi tanpa sebarang alasan
yang lebih menyakitkan tak ku tahu apa khilafku
sedang aku masih tercari-cari
kau makin jauh
melangkah tanpa menoleh lagi

maafkan aku jika ada dosaku padamu
tiada niat di hati menyakitimu
dan aku juga masih tercari dosa2 ku
yang mungkin terlalu besar
hingga kau terpaksa melangkah
meninggalkan ku

Friday, September 4, 2009

live well, love much, laugh often...

saturday, 30th august 09. i've found a book at mph jusco ipoh title "LIVE WELL, LOVE MUCH, LAUGH OFTEN". it really catch my attention. then i decide to buy it.

monday, 31st august 09. i've started to read that book. the intro is full of motivations and i hope by reading this book i can find the way how to live my life like before...

i really hope.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Manusia penilai yg terbaik

manusia memang suka menilai...
menilai apa yang dilihat dengan mata kasar...
dan menzahirkan ape yang dirasa...
tanpa mentafsir dengan mata hati...
lalu membuat kesimpulan....
kesimpulan yang belum pasti kesahihannya...
lalu telah mereka pahatkan sebagai teori...
yang diguna pakai sehingga satu penemuan baru muncul...
itulah manusia...


di mana kamu...
di mana bahagia yang dicari...
kata orang bahagia itu indah...
kata orang bahagia itu akan membuatkan kita di awangan...
tak hairanlah orang sanggup korbankan apa sahaja untuk bahagia...

itu kata orang lain...
kata hati hatiku...

padaku bahagia itu cahaya...
yang menerangi hidup...
membuatkan semuanya indah...
23 tahun kuhabiskan mencari bahagia...
namun belum tentu suku dari hayatku... rasa bahagia...
padaku bahagia itu amat susah untuk dimiliki...
tidak bisa dibeli...

bahagia adalah rasa...
rasa yang sukar datang namun mudah untuk pergi...
jadi mengapa manusia tidak menghargai bahagia yang ada...
mengapa tidak nampak kah kalian bahagia itu...
buka mata hatimu...

hidup hanya sementara...
dan bahagia hanya seketika...
ada duka yang sentiasa menunggu...
mengapa undang duka jika kita mampu pertahankan kebahagiaan...


Masih Ada - My 2nd Love Song

Ada bayanganmu di mataku

Dan senyummu membuatku rindu

Bagaimana caranya oh sayangku

Ku ingin jumpa dengan kamu

Bagaimana caranya

Aku yakin di antara kita

Masih ada cinta yang membara

Bagaiman caranya oh kasihku

Ku ingin juga kau mengerti

Bagaimana caranya

Haruskah kuteteskan air mata di pipi

Haruskah kucurahkan s'gala isi di hati

Oh haruskah kau ku peluk

Dan tak kulepas lagi

Agar tiada pernah ada

Kata berpisah

Lupakanlah cerita kelabu

Kita susun lagi langkah baru

Bagaimana caranya oh cintaku

Bagaimana caranya....

cintamu... my love song

Yang kurasa walau tak terucap,
S'makin dalam
Cintamu,yang terukir di batas cintaku,

Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu
Kuingin s'lalu dalam,

Dan tiada yang kan memisahkan,
Yang terlimpas, terbias matamu
S'lama ini

Adakah di hatimu,
Terbesit satu harapan untukku
Tuk berjanji selamanya kan selalu milikku

Satu cinta,
Tak pernah kumencoba,
Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat,
Sejujurnya diriku terlelu sayang padamu
Kuingin s'lalu dalam,

Thursday, April 30, 2009

life is complicated

life is something that cannot be explained with words
how we explain it will be different from the real
if you heard that a person said he/she is happy
it means that he/she must be so happy or moderate happy
if he/she said he/she is sad
it may means he/she is very sad or moderate sad
this show that there is no specific word that can describe exactly about human feelings
no one will understand what you feel
you are the only one who know about it
so, think about yourself first before others
what you feel is more important
it is not being selfish
it just to love yourself more.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

i wish...

i wish...
to make everyone happy
to shine everyone with my love
to make everyone feel appreciated.

i wish...
i can hide my pain
hide every tears that fall each night
hide my loneliness that i feel every time i woke up in morning.

i wish...
i can be stronger
to hide how lost i am in life

i was wrong
i am a heart breaker
not a shinning start that can shine people that i care
i'm sorry love
i'm sorry...